The Port of Livorno
A Survey of its Maritime Postal History 17th to 20th Centuries
by Alan Becker
(published 2015)
This book seeks to bring together into one place the current knowledge of the port of Livorno. Although touched on in several other more general works, the last book covering this specific subject was published over 50 years ago.
The new book begins with a short history of the port. It continues with over twenty sections showing everything from the manuscript markings of the Medici period, the postal mark of the Napoleonic Period, Via di Mare and Piroscafi Postale Italiani marks, details of the Lazarettos and Health Passport of Livorno, and a great deal more. It concludes with a list of Cancellations, Cachets and Seals.
The book is profusely illustrated throughout in colour.
The book is 74 A4 pages, spiral bound and is priced at £20 (plus P&P UK = £2.0, Europe = £6, ROW = £8):-
The Italy and Colonies Study Circle, 13 Pond Close, Harefield, UXBRIDGE, Middx, UB9 6NG.
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