Gabriele d’Annunzio

& aerial propaganda

And the post war years

by John Gilbert

(published 2016)

 This book brings together in English, the turbulent history of North East Italy and the part played by the flamboyant and sometimes controversial character of Gabriele d’Annunzio. D’Annuzio was an Italian poet, pioneering aviator and great orator whose skills were first employed to persuade Italy to join Britain and the Allies in 1914. The book documents his exploits during and after the war, including, with aerial propaganda and the seizure of Fiume in 1920.


 The book is profusely illustrated throughout with historic photographs, maps, ephemera and much more.


The book is 50 A4 pages, spiral bound and is priced at £12 (plus P&P UK = £2, Europe = £4, ROW = £5):-

The Italy and Colonies Study Circle, 13 Pond Close, Harefield, UXBRIDGE, Middx, UB9 6NG.

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